This Hand Built Homesteading Cabin in Alaska is one woman’s dream that she embraced wholeheartedly, sacrificed for and poured blood, sweat and tears into.

Rebecca has lived off grid for the last 10 years, 8 of them in interior Alaska. Her daughter tells people her mother lost her mind and moved to Bush Alaska.
Rebecca lives in a tiny home (16×16). While she has batteries/generator/inverter, she needs to be very frugal with them. She has a water well, but no running water. All water has to be heated otherwise it is ice cold.
Rebecca cans her own chicken soup. Canning poses a little bit of an effort with tiny countertops and no running water.

Rebecca’s place in her words ” Is nothing special, but it’s all hers.” She has lived here alone 3 years in a camper while her and her trusty chainsaw cleared the land, prepared the logs, scavenged materials and built the foundation.
Winters were -30F to -50 degrees in the winter. Those were some hard winter days.

The next summer, Rebecca met a wonderful man named Willy. Together they built the cabin you see in these pictures with nothing but 2 chainsaws, a 20 year old skill saw, and a drill… and a lot of very hard labor.
Every year, Rebecca makes improvements but it is slow going.

Rebecca now has a water well, so she does not have to haul water from town. Although she still does not have indoor running water quite yet so she has to tote water from the well inside.

Last year Rebecca and Willie dug a sewer, so now they have a toilet inside. Rebecca hated waking up to having to walk outside to a frigid outhouse. Of course, it froze up in December and finally thawed in July. They do think that problem is resolved for this winter.
Rebecca left Ashland Wisconsin and moved to Tok Alaska which has a population of 1,258 people. It is 262.3 miles from Anchorage Alaska.

Rebecca kindly gave us permission to share her inspiring story hoping other people will jump in and live their dreams.