This homemade ROSE WATER skin firming toner recipe is an organic natural beauty tool that is a gift from mother nature and does wonders for the skin.

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Rosewater is a beautiful firming facial toner with it’s own delicate original scent. Organic rose water made from delicate petals replenish, softens, and add a natural glow to the skin as good as any remedy that promotes itself as the best of its kind.
Rosewater can be sought for easily today in many places that sell such specialized scents. For those who grow roses in their own garden,having them in full bloom to make a nice bouquet for a table’s center gives the advantage of creating rosewater super easily at home.
Ingredients and Materials:
Handful of rose petal
Mason jar
Distilled or spring water
Spray bottle
Vegetable glycerin (optional)

24K Gold Rose Water Facial Toner (Buy Here from Amazon)
With water and sunlight, take a few rose petals and put them into a jar. Filled with the water, place the lid on top and stick it under the sun for a couple of days. Afterwards, there are different ways to move the rosewater. Put it into a bottle that can spray it while removing the petals, or add some drops of vegetable glycerin, or store it in the fridge while taking out the pedals to contain its strong, notable scent. If so, use it all in one week or it will turn into regular water. It can be placed on the face, sprayed in the air, or given a homemade gift to others.
Click here to read about how to make homemade ROSE WATER skin firming toner recipe: