GardeningHow To Grow Garden Peas In Pot Containers

How To Grow Garden Peas In Pot Containers

How to grow garden peas in pot containers vertically with a trellis is easy to do with low maintenance and is easy to harvest.

How To Grow Garden Peas In Pot Containers

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There is nothing better on the dinner table than the taste of garden fresh peas. Peas are a low-maintenance plant and easy to grow. Plant your peas about mid June, before the heat of the summer hits. This is what you will need:

• Pea seeds (the variety of your choice)

• Flower pot with drain holes – minimum 14” or larger

• Vegetable potting soil

• Rocks for bottom of the pot (can use coffee filters)

• Trellis-like tomato wire so plants can climb

• Fertilizer

• Sunny spot to grow the plants

How To Grow Garden Peas In Pot Containers
Vegetable Patch Planter Pot & Trellis (Buy Here – Amazon)


Place large flower pot in a sunny spot. Place the rocks (or coffee filter) in the bottom of the pot. Mix vegetable soil and fertilizer. You have many choices on commercially sold fertilizer or you can use Epson salt. Add vegetable soil until the pot is about ¾ full. Generously sprinkle pea seeds over the soil mixture. Add another 1” – 2” of soil to cover seeds. Now, add your trellis or tomato wire. Water the plant.

Leave the pot in the sunny spot. There is little to do. If the soil becomes dry, water it. If the temperatures drop to below 20 degrees, cover the pot with a large plastic trash bag. Don’t forget to remove the cover when the sun comes back.

Peas are a fast growing plant. You will be able to harvest in 18 to 21 days. Then you can repeat the process. If you begin planting in mid-March, you should get two harvests before the summer gets too hot for the plant to grow.

The peas can be eaten right away or you can freeze or can them to enjoy for the rest of the year.


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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