RecipesKitchen Substitutions For When You Are Out

Kitchen Substitutions For When You Are Out

These kitchen substitutions for when you are out needs to be checked before running to the store and you may just save some money and some time.

Kitchen Substitutions For When You Are Out

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Many people are unaware of the number of things that can be substituted in the kitchen. This can be because of health reasons, because of an allergy or because of a specific diet.

The most common reason is simple, you are out of a certain ingredient. This happens far too often in the middle of making something. There are a few times when you may discover prior to making a dish that you are out of one of the required ingredients.

On top of saving time and money, many substitutions are healthier. Most of these are ways to accomplish the same taste or texture without the extra calories. Just take a look and see. Try a few out and you will be surprised out the difference, or shall we say, the lack of a difference.

You won’t know the difference and more importantly your family and guests will not know the difference.

These changes can be so awesome that we have even seen restaurants adopt new recipes based on the information here. We guess that technically that means that it is now a new recipe and not a substitution.

Either way, these can save time, be healthier and some are just plain fun.

Click here to read about kitchen substitutions for when you are out:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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