Household TipsNo Digging Adjustable Homestead Fence Project

No Digging Adjustable Homestead Fence Project

This No Digging Adjustable Homestead Fence Project is a temporary solution till a stronger fence can be erected.

No Digging Adjustable Homestead Fence Project - The Homestead Survival - Homesteading

For a temporary fence that needs a quick build, use concrete blocks. Bracket concrete blocks that are heavy to hold wood and other materials being used to make the fence. The posts then can be attached to the brackets to hold the fence upright. This is a simple adjustable fence, but it won’t hold up to high winds or bad weather that can easily take down the temporary structure. Just keep it low; don’t build it too high because the concrete base can’t hold the vertical weight.

If there’s an area with dirt that is already dug up, a post holder can be used to save money and time in making a fence. The post holders made to sink into the soil are convenient as they are hammered down before posts can be mounted in. This makes the fence secure and it can hold the weight to withstand heavy winds and rains unlike a freestanding fence.

If the soil is hard, a wooden fence post can be put into a pre-made post made for a strong fence. A post spike is made of metal and 2-3 feet long so that it can stay in the ground. Then, a metal box is attached at the top to hold the base of the wooden fence post before driving the metal spike into the ground. It is inexpensive and convenient to build a fence with quick turnaround. It also keeps the wood safe from rotting from water, so make sure the top of the metal spike is above the ground.

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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