Sidewalk De-icer recipe for all the icy walkways. I know a lot of folks have finally had winter arrive. My house got snow, sleet, rain and then wind all in a 24 hour period. What the snow plows left look like boulders from the Flintstones.

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Very large and frozen solid. It will take a while for those monsters to melt. We also have ice everywhere because after all the storm was over it turned off very cold and everything is frozen and we really need a de-icer. Ice melt or ice melting salt doesn’t work very well when the temperature is real low so once again I needed to pull out this recipe for the sidewalk de-icer.
It is just one of many many things you can make with the original blue Dawn. This stuff has almost as many uses as duct tape. One Good Thing By Jillee shares a list of some of the many ways to use dawn dish liquid for things other than dishes. I love the de-icer recipe and use it everytime I have ice and it is too cold for the ice melting salt to work. If you need a de-icer to make things safer around your homestead give this a try, you may like it even better than snow melt.
Click here to read the article and recipe:
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