Food Storage & SkillsTips for Saving Money One Dollar at a Time on Groceries

Tips for Saving Money One Dollar at a Time on Groceries

Here is a quick list of tips for saving money one dollar at a time on groceries for frugal homesteaders.

Food isn’t cheap and neither are the other items we typically pick up along with our groceries like health and beauty to cleaning supplies. Saving money in this department can help you find some extra funds by the end of the year for something else you need or the debt you need to pay down.

Read on for other great tips and tricks to save even more.

Tips for Saving Money One Dollar at a Time on Groceries

We all want to save money for any number of reasons, but sometimes we haven’t quite figured out where we can find the places in our budget to save that money. These tips may be boring, but they can help in the long run as you plan your money and stick to it as much as possible.

Slip ups of over spending happen, but the importance is getting back on track. As we finally get this budget made, one of the figures we’ll need to know the amount we can afford to spend on is our grocery bill.

One of the best ways to lower grocery costs is to shop at stores that have the lowest prices on the things you buy.

The trick is planning your weekly meals around what you already have plus perishable items on sale, rather than buying only what you need for a week’s worth of meals.

The average price per pound of sirloin steak is twice as much as the price per pound of boneless chicken breasts. You may want to choose to cook more chicken dishes and fewer beef recipes.

Buy vegetables from the produce section in their natural form instead of pre washed, cut and packaged in sealed bags. You are paying extra for that small amount of preparation.

When purchasing meat, make sure you’re really getting the most bang for your buck by checking items unit price, which most stores display on the price label. This price typically shows how much you’re paying per ounce and can point you to the better deal.

Name-brand items, which tend to be more expensive, usually are placed at eye level. So when you’re shopping, look up (or down) for cheaper items, including generics.

Some items are at their lowest prices of the year around certain holidays. Thanksgiving holiday sales allows you to shop for canned goods, stuffing, turkey, frozen pies and baking items such as flour, yeast, sugar and chocolate chips.

Don’t be afraid to ask for a discount on food items that are near their “sell by” date especially in the bakery and meat departments.

You should buy laundry detergent, batteries, rice, pasta, sugar,salt, flour and meat  in bulk at a warehouse club like Costco or Sam’s Club. Buying in bigger quantities then packaging there yourself into smaller quantities yourself can lead to saving money.

Make a list of the best deals in your local newspaper and when you get to the register, tell the cashier that you will be price matching your items. When they ring up each item, show the cashier the ad price you saw for each item in the newspaper. Price matching can save you money, gasoline and time instead of shopping at multiple stores.

If the store runs out of the advertised special, go to the customer service counter and request a rain check. A rain check means they will let you buy the advertised item at the sale price even though it is no longer on sale.

When you go through the check out line, make sure you are watching as the cashier rings up your purchases. Then, if an item rings up at the wrong price, you can correct it.

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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