Build ItBuild A Garden Bridge

Build A Garden Bridge

If you have been waiting a wooden garden bridge but didn’t want to spend a small fortune you may like to see these instructions for building a garden bridge yourself. A wooden bridge in the garden gives a sort of rustic feeling. Even if you don’t have any water to put it over, they look great with blue flowers growing around them to give the look of water and you can also make a rock river bed or just enjoy the bridge under a tree. I have a neighbor that has two paths in their back yard made of pavers and they have a bridge crossing over one so it looks as if the bridge is serving a purpose rather than just being decorative. How To Specialist shares free plans to build your own wooden garden bridge.


They tell us, ”  Even if you don’t have a stream on your backyard, the garden bridge will enhance the rustic look and add value to your property. The building techniques are straight forward and you also don’t need too much materials to get the job done. On the contrary, taking into account the small scale of the project, you can reuse scrap lumber for most of the components and buy the rest from your local diy store. In this step by step article we show you how to cut the stringers, how to make the railings and how to build the garden bridge, along with the rest of the woodworking techniques required to get the complete the project.” So if you want a garden bridge grab the free plans and some scrap lumber and save some money by making your own.


Grab the instructions>>>>  Build A Garden Bridge

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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