I mentioned a couple of days ago that I wanted to build a table to use as a growing station in my basement as every spring my list of veggies I want to grow keeps getting bigger and no longer fits in my bay window. So I was looking around to get ideas for the table and found this over on Mother earth news. I don’t know that I can find a piece of old bowling alley but i like the table and it looks nice and sturdy. I will probably build mine like this but use some 1/2 inch plywood for the top. I think I will apply adhesive and some dark colored floor tiles to it in order to make it water proof. When I am not using it to start seeds I can use it as a laundry folding table so at least my efforts will serve double duty.

Build a Reclaimed Wood Dining Table
Jiffy 5227 Seed Starter Greenhouse 72-Plant