If you have access to a welding equipment and would like to build your own low recoil rifle rest check out this diy project. Using scraps of metal and a scissors car jack to provide an adjustable rest. This is a nice rifle rest when ever you will be shooting a big gun. It will help reduce the recoil. Nice for anyone that will be teaching their wife or children how to shoot big guns. It is also portable so you can toss it in the back of the truck and take it to wherever you plan to shoot. Faucettb shares pictures and the how to build on Shooters Forum.
If you need a different type of shooters bench that you can put together with wood, check out these 14 Different Free DIY Design Plans For Shooting Benches and if you need some targets, grab some of these Printable Free Shooting Targets. Lots to choose from. So now you can build a rifle rest, shooting bench and print out some targets and get lots of practise before hunting season starts.