Try as you may to prevent your wood furniture from showing signs of typical wear and tear, it is so hard to avoid things like the annoying rings from drink glasses, small nicks and scratches. Seeing how expensive replacing furniture is these days it is not possible for many people, so being able to fix minor damage would be a huge help for so many people.
This article from a contributor at This Old House is filled with numerous tips on how to fix a wide range of minor damage in the finish of wood furniture. All of the tips shared are fairly easy and well explained so that most anyone should be able to follow them. All of the materials, supplies and tools are things that many people probably already have around the house.
This article contains a whole lot of information that can help save you time and money. Each of the different tips include a list of the necessary materials, tools and supplies needed.
Each of the tips also include a description of the necessary steps to complete the fix. You will find many full color photos that help to depict some of the steps