This Flowers Plants Pressing Drying Homemade Machine DIY Project can be made in your workshop or garage in one weekend inexpensively – Woodworking for Gardeners! The best way to preserve flowers, herbs, and leaves of garden plants – basically the beauty of nature is with this homemade wooden drying press. This will take your crafting with dried plant life to a whole new level.
A lot of homesteaders are always looking for ways to create another income for made how small or large.

Plants have been used in arts and crafts projects for years and one of the best methods for preparing them is pressing them flat. To prepare the plants to be used in many projects, you need to have a way to press the plant pieces that you want to use in your specific project. This DIY project was designed to introduce the reader to a unique machine that will do all your pressing needs.
This Do It Yourself project was and the article that accompanies it was created by the author looking to help other people to be able to use it for making their own plant creations.
The project includes a complete listing of all of the necessary things that are needed to be had on hand in order to get started.
It also includes a complete, easy to read and follow step by step instructional guide that covers everything from start to finish.
For this build, you will only need
wooden board with a thickness of around 2.5 cm or 1 inch. It should be big enough to make two sides out of. The size of the press depends entirely on how big you want it. As newspapers are mostly used to dry plants, I decided to make mine so that one entire sheet would fit with a bit of space left over. You can also use this wood for the support of the shaft or use scrap wood as I did.
Wood for the shaft. This should be something you can easily turn. In the end, the shaft should be around 7-10 cm in diameter and just a bit wider than the width of the press. Alternatively, you could probably find a round wooden post that you can cut grooves in ( Although I think you could even get away without the grooves and just with a straight shaft.)
Something to turn the lever handle out of. I used firewood which worked well.
Metal rod with a diameter of around 1,5 cm and length of 30cm
Rope of your liking. Should be at least 5 mm in diameter. (1-2 meters)
Wood glue (and epoxy)
A few screws
Finish of your liking
You will need:
Something to cut the board to size. I used a table saw but a regular circular saw, jigsaw or hand saw would work as well.
Coping saw or jigsaw or scroll saw or band saw
A lathe when you plan on turning the shaft yourself.
Handheld drill or drill press with drill and spade bits
Something to cut the metal rod with – angle grinder with a cut off disc or metal saw.
Something to sand with
Click here to read about how to make a Flower Press Drying Machine Homemade DIY Project:
As an added bonus, You may want to take a peek at the article “The Art Of Flower Pressing”: