GardeningGarden Herbs That Frugally Grow from Cuttings

Garden Herbs That Frugally Grow from Cuttings

These garden herbs and plants that frugally grow from cuttings are Sage, Thyme, Basil, Rosemary, Lavender, Horseradish, Comfrey, African Violets, Rex Begonia, Sansevieria Snake plant, Pilea Cadierei Aluminum plant, Coleus, Geranium, Philodendrons, Crassula Jade plant, Aglaonema Chinese Evergreen, Dieffenbachia Dumb Cane, Cordyline Ti plant, Dracaena Fragrans Fragrant Corn plant, Fuchsia, Hydrangea, Holly, Romneya Californian Tree Poppy, Rose and Weigela.

Garden Herbs That Can Frugally Grow from Cuttings
Image Credit: Mannewaar @ Flickr

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Most people are opting for growing new plants from cuttings, which increases stock in a shorter time. Due to the fact that cuttings are sturdier than seeds then tend to mature faster and bearing flower and fruit much sooner than seedlings would.

Propagating could also turn out to be much more cost effective than planting seeds because a single plant can give you a lot of cuttings without compromising the plants health. Which means you can get more out of one plant that seeds would. Another benefit of the plants grown from cuttings is that the plant that grows from cutting will be a clone of its parental plant. You will therefore always know what you are growing and this is generally why gardeners opt to use cuttings for their new plants.

Garden Herbs That Can Frugally Grow from Cuttings
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With cuttings you are not restricted to one type of plant as you can exchange cuttings with gardening colleagues or gardening centers. In order for successful propagation, the cuttings should be extracted at the right time, particularly with plants that have different seasonal growth patterns. Some of the different types of cutting are: softwood; semi-ripe; hardwood; tip; basal; heel; etc.

Some of the best plants that successfully propagate from cuttings are:

• Sage – you should take 4 inches of semi-ripe cuttings during fall and pot the cuttings;

• Basil – can be cut any time throughout the year;

• African violets – cut off 2 -3 inches of leafy stalk; which should then be planted in a tray of moist compost; etc.

Click here to read about how to grow garden herbs that can frugally from cuttings:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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