DIY ProjectsHomesteading Concrete Fire Pit DIY Project for Less Than 50 Dollars

Homesteading Concrete Fire Pit DIY Project for Less Than 50 Dollars

Homesteading Concrete Fire Pit DIY Project for Less Than 50 Dollars is just what a frugal minded homesteader need to create a safely enclosed firepit.

Homesteading Concrete Fire Pit DIY Project for Less Than 50 Dollars - The Homestead Survival

Materials and Tools:

  • 2-1/2″ screws
  • All Purpose Gravel (stones)
  • Rebar Mesh/ Fencing
  • Concrete
  • Concrete Sealer
  • Sand Paper
  • Brush


  1. Find a spot away from overhead obstructions like trees, power lines or decks
  2. Dig down roughly 3-4” and compact your soil as much as possible
  3. Add a 2” base of stone to keep the concrete from having direct contact with the ground
  4. Set the forms in place with the outside dimensions of your project, I used 3” on the outside formwork with a 2.5” inside form. Set the form roughly 1-2” below ground. This back will be filled to level everything after the concrete is placed and forms stripped.
  5. After levelling, add the rebar, I used old fencing material, centre it up as best as you can
  6. Add bracing at the top to keep your form work from shifting while pouring concrete
  7. Calculations of how much concrete to use can be found online, add 2-3 bags just in case you need more
  8. Screed the top of the pit to make it smooth and follow this up with a float to feather it out
  9. Cover with plastic tarp or trash bags; wetting it every 2-3 hours for 24 hours to cure the concrete evenly
  10. Strip the forms after 24 hours by taking out the screws ; wet cure the concrete for another 72 hours to guarantee strength and after a week, it will be bonfire ready

Click here to read about how to build a Homesteading Concrete Fire Pit DIY Project for Less Than 50 Dollars:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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