DIY ProjectsHow to Build a Garden Wildlife Hotel Shelter

How to Build a Garden Wildlife Hotel Shelter

This step by step tutorial of how to build a garden wildlife hotel shelter is made from wood pallets and natural things found in nature. Insect hotels are simple to make recycled materials such as pine cones, branches, dry rolled up leaves, grasses, bark, moss, wood pallets, hollow reeds, bamboo and bricks. These hotels are essential for all beneficial insects and small mammals to find shelter year round – especially in the winter.

You can take a section of 2 by 4 lumber and drill in depth holes (not all the way through) across the piece of wood in a grid pattern. Cut a long piece of bamboo into small equal sections and fill in tiny spaces in your garden wildlife hotel shelter.
How to Build a Garden Wildlife Hotel Shelter

Some varieties of species hibernate throughout the winter and a safe place to dig in for the winter can be life saving for them which translates into better health for your garden the following year.

When it comes to drilling “bee holes” in wood, take into consideration the fact that different bee species are drawn to different sizes of holes for shelter and egg-laying:

• For leafcutter bees, the drilled holes should be 1/4″ wide and 2 1/2 -4″ deep.
• For mason bees, drill holes that are 6″ deep, 5/16″ wide.

Try to space holes at least 3/4″ apart, and never drill entirely through the wooden blocks.

Click here to read about how to build a small wildlife hotel shelter :

How to Build a Garden Wildlife Hotel Shelter

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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