If you need a tent that is totally portable by one person and a way to heat it check out this how to on making a hot tarp tent tipi with a homemade wood stove.
The stove is made from a five gallon bucket. Lonnie from Far North Bushcraft And Survival will show you step by step how to make the tent, make the stove and then how to install the stove. In this three part video you will see how to do each step so that you can build your own portable tipi with wood stove. This would be nice for hunters in the fall and winter if you don’t have a cabin or can get a camper back into the woods as far as you would like.
Since the tent is made out of a tarp it doesn’t weigh much and one person can transport it with no problem. This is a neat thing to learn. You could have all the supplies needed, especially for the tipi itself and make the tent when needed. It would provide some shelter even without the wood stove. Watch the videos and see how to make your own hot tent tipi with wood stove.
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