How to take care of a drunk person – New Year’s Eve advice. Check out all of these tips so that if you have a friend or loved one that needs you to take care of them on New Year’s Eve when they have had too much to drink and feeling the effects.

What advice would you add beyond the advice given in the article below?
1. Don’t let them drive
2. Don’t leave them in a room alone due to a chance they can choke on their vomit. Always lay them on their side not on their back.
3. Speak in a clear, firm, reassuring manner. Keep the person comfortable.
4. Don’t give the person a cold shower because the shock may cause them to pass out causing a falling injury.
5. Don’t laugh, ridicule, provoke, anger or threaten the individual. Nothing is worst than a mean angry drunk.
6. Try to get them to drink lots of water or better yet a rehydration electrolyte drink mix.

Many states also have somewhere you can call ahead of the day to schedule a free ride home if you will be drinking. There is a National Directory of Designated Drivers and I will post a link below so you can check to see if it is available in your area but if not, check around. There are usually organizations that are providing rides as long as you schedule before hand.
Click below to read an article that may save a life:
Click here for National Directory of Designated Drivers
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