Learn How To Dry and Store Firewood For Winter
Great information oh how to dry and store firewood. This is a really good article on how to cure and when to know you wood is cured to the perfect time to begin splitting it. Then once you have it split you can learn where and how to stack it and if you should cover it or not. After reading this article anyone that would like to dry,split and store firewood for the winter should be able to do so if you have chopped down your own trees or bought th firewood from a supplier. Wish I had known this two years ago when we had trees taken down. My husband decided we would keep some of the wood for in case of emergency we would have some firewood to cook on a grill with. He went ahead and split it all up the same week it was chopped down. I know now why it was so hard for him to split it all up. It is supposed to cure first. Poor guy, he did it using just a splitting axe but it was a job times three.
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