Make firewood burn in colors. This is a really neat project. You can take some of your fire wood and soak it in a bucket of water to which you add a chemical agent. After letting it soak and then dry out, when you burn it it will burn in the color that corresponds to the chemical you added to the soak. Depending on which agent you use your fire could be red, green, blue, white, orange or purple. Life Hackings shares how to make your firewood burn in color. These are NOT TO BE USED FOR COOKING. The color burning wood is only for looking, not cooking. They actually sell products that are all ready to use to make a colorful fire. You can get them at these links…
Mystical Fire Campfire Fireplace Colorant Packets 12 Pack
Seymour Mfg. 30-525 Color Flame Crystals, 16 ounce

Or you can make your own with chemicals, some of the chemicals are pretty common and some you might need to get from a hardware store. “The List of coloring chemicals are.
Color = Chemical
Carmine = Lithium Chloride
Red = Strontium Chloride
Orange = Calcium Chloride (a bleaching powder)
Yellow = Sodium Chloride (table salt) or Sodium Carbonate
Yellowish Green = Borax
Green = Copper Sulfate ( from a hardware store ) or Boric Acid (poison)
Blue = Copper Chloride
Violet **Will smoke a ton** = 3 parts Potassium Sulfate 1 part Potassium Nitrate (saltpeter)
Purple = Potassium Chloride
White = Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom salts) “
Try some of these this winter and show the kids, they will get a nice science lesson and you can all enjoy the colors.