How to Sew Mandala Doily Back Tank Top Craft Project is detailed in this step by step tutorial, that even a beginner can accomplish.
Here is how to make a tank top with a laced back. Simply, buy lace and a big crochet. First thing to do is note the size and color of lace desired. Then, make the right cut of lace, usually, 2.5-3 centimeters wide and 3 to 4 feet. Cotton or satin is fine. Also buy a thread, a pair of scissors, several pins, a needle, an iron, and a sewing machine.
Place the tank on a table and lay the lace on top of it. Then, snip the lace to form the tank top. Next, snip off the back to leave about 2-3 cm. of space from the layers. Then, fold the trim in half and iron it. Pin the trim around on the armholes and neck by carefully stretching it. Stitch it by hand, and then sew it with the machine, moving it from the edge and expanding the trim carefully again. Remove the stitches and iron the armholes and neck to give it a rounded look.
Fold the bottom half of the lace twice and sew it again. Afterwards, put the front of the tank and its lace together with the pins along the side seams and shoulders. Stitch and sew again. Back to the front, turning the seam backwards, stitch a zigzag with the length of about 2 mm.
Another way to do this is to hold the seam on the inside with the zigzag pattern and flip the tank on the front, turning the seam towards the back of the tank top to make it normal. Double-check and cut off any extra seam that is not touched by the zigzag. After ironing it, it is ready to be worn.
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