Find a natural spring near you and drink the most natural water you can find. Ever wish you had access to natural spring water? Well maybe you can. Here is a site that maps the location of natural springs all over the world.
See if there is one near you or if you know of one that isn’t on the map submit it. There is also a video from Daniel Vitalis that tells you why spring water is so good for you. Since the water comes from the aquifers it is good to know where they are located in case we ever need water that doesn’t come from a treatment plant.
This water would contain no fluoride or chlorine which are not really good to consume.

In the video below Mr. Vitalis explains the benefits of drinking spring water. He says ” You are invited to join a growing movement, composed of people all over the world, who are choosing to drink the cleanest, healthiest, most natural water available in our world today.
These people are cutting out the middle-men and going directly to the Source! By visiting local springs, you too can build your body out of the earth’s greatest resource, its ancient pure, living spring water!”
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