See this from start to finish build of an earth sheltered home and possibly be inspired. This is a really nice article with a ton of pictures documenting the building of this home from the bare ground all the way to adding the lawn chairs.

KVR shared this on The Homesteading Boards and he really did a fantastic job. Not only did he build a totally awesome house but he took the time to explain each step and take pictures so that anyone else interested in possibly building an earth sheltered home could see exactly what and how it is done.
They even planted an orchard and made a pond on the land they bought. I love how the home looks like it just sort of belongs where it is, as if it is part of the land and not just perched on it. I also like the concrete slab they put down in front of the house. They cut it in to a 3×3 grid and then stained it so it looks like a really nice tile patio.
 He says the first winter they made it through using only a little over half of a cord of firewood. It looks like a place I think a lot of folks would love to call home.