FlowersTips To Keep Geraniums Blooming All Summer Long

Tips To Keep Geraniums Blooming All Summer Long

Geraniums are abundant bloomers that are easy to care for. Their bright flowers blossom from spring season through fall. These plants are being grown as annuals in many zones yet in zones 10 and 11, these are regarded as evergreen perennials.

Even though they are often referred to as geranium, the popular potted plant is in fact a Pelargonium.  According to Linda Hagen, the height of geraniums varies according to type.

The most common varieties have an average height of 2 to 4 feet wide and tall. The ivy types can spread from 6 to 48 inches while dwarf cultivars are available in heights of 5 to 8 inches.

Many geraniums can grow best under full sun. However, the regal varieties prefer some partial shade while the zonals can tolerate some amount of shade. It is a must to provide some protection during afternoons in exceedingly hot climates.
Geraniums are well appreciated because of their lengthy blooming season that begins in spring then lasts into fall. When plants are kept more than 45 to 50 degrees, geraniums can even bloom during winter months.
The available varieties of geraniums are in shades of pink, white, mauve, purple, reddish black, and orange.
Geraniums are great choices for sunny borders and beds and tucked in with other types of perennials and annuals. Zonal geraniums can be grown in large groups to create a burst of colors from spring through fall.

It is ideal to use containers for geraniums, particularly in colder climates wherein they have to be brought inside during winter. The ivy geraniums are colorful option if you want to have them spill out of window boxes and hanging baskets.

This Is My Garden’s  post discusses about geranium care and how you can keep these flowers blooming all throughout summer.

Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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