If you are off grid or ever spend time off grid and you are a coffee drinker this is for you. Learn how to start using a non electric percolator to brew coffee anywhere.
You can brew coffee on you gas, electric or even you wood stove. You can also brew coffee over a campfire. Another plus to the percolator is you can just keep brewing cup after cup.
If you are like many people that have to your first cup of coffee in the morning to be able to function you probably are used to using a automatic drip coffee maker. However, in the event that the power goes out or you are living off grid you would need to come up with a different way to brew your coffee.
This article was designed to introduce the reader to the old way people used to make coffee long before the first automatic drip coffee maker was first introduced, the percolator. The instructions of using a percolator to brew coffee anywhere is from, Quaker Kitchen. In the video she shows how to assemble and use the percolator, how to time the coffee while it percolates and how she puts the brewed coffee into an insulated carafe that will keep her coffee fresh and hot for hours. She also suggest buying a quality fair trade coffee and grinding the beans just prior to brewing for the most flavor.
The author was looking to help the reader by reintroducing them to the old way that people had to make coffee long ago. The percolator is a very simple device that does not require any power to operate and it can make 8 cups of great tasting coffee.
Benefits of the reading the article Homesteading 101: Using a Non Electric Percolator to Brew Coffee Anywhere
Learn some very valuable information about the percolator and how easy it really is to use it.
The video shows in great detail exactly how the device works and how it can be used.
Percolators can be used in the kitchen on the stove top (electric or gas), on a portable rocket stove, wood burning stove or even open flame.