If you are planning to have chickens or building a chicken coop you can learn from these 13 lessons from an experienced coop owner. You will learn about how to protect from predators.
How to fix windows so you can leave them open during hot weather. How to set up a run if you can’t free range due to dogs or wildlife. Different tips on cleaning and storage. Nesting boxes and storage spaces. Solar lighting and how you should have multiple latches and locks on doors and windows.
All in all this is a great article from Life At Cobble Hill Farm sharing 13 lessons they have learned while both building a coop and run and raising chickens on their homestead. By reading about the things they have already learned you can save your self some headaches and re-dos later down the road by getting everything right the first time. They even tell you how much space you should allow in your coop for each bird, so that you don’t over crowd and stress your chickens.