This step by step tutorial of how to build a vertical clay pot tower planter for flowers and herbs is a creative way to make a beautiful display with space to grow. You will need a selection of increasing sizes of clay pots and a long wooden dowel. Yes, you can get away with using plastic gardening pots… Shhhh, I will not tell, lol.
You can find the long wooden dowel at Home Depot in the lumber department for less than four dollars. I often you them for support stakes for my indoor house plants.
Paint your house address numbers on the clay pots if you plan to have this gardening structure in your front yard. This helps friends, family and emergency services such as police, ambulance and fire fighters can find your home more quickly.
Have your children decorate the clay pots with their painting skills then seal with a clear spray paint to weatherproof the artwork.
Paint the names of the flowers or herbs on the clay pots.
Paint an inspirational quote that you find uplifting to view each time you enter your garden.
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Click here to read about how to build a vertical clay pot tower planter for flowers and herbs DIY project:
Here is a look at the same do it yourself project using a long metal rod (rebar) securely attached into the ground and using larger plastic pots.