How to build cattle panel gardening greenhouse diy project is a simple homesteading structure that with extend your growing season.

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If you have a garden, you may have considered upgrading to a greenhouse for various reasons. In fact, this greenhouse is probably a dream of yours that you have been considering for a very long time but was hesitant about it for reasons of costs and difficulty. But what it you could create your own greenhouse at home?
With these instructions, you will be able to build your own greenhouse without having a lot of experience and a fortune to spend. Best of all, you can take this down at the end of the year if you want to.
What You Need:
• (3) cattle panels, standard sized.
• (2) rolls of heavy duty 10’ x 50’ clear plastic
• (3) 8-ft. 2’ x 2’, (1) 8-ft. 1’ x 2’, (1) 16-ft. 2’ x 4’
• 100 count (or more) package of zip ties, 8-inch
• (2) rolls of duct tape, clear variety
• (1) roll electrical tape, standard sized
• (4) 2-ft. sections of rebar
• (2) door hinges, (1) handle, (1) latch
• (2) 20-ft. PVC pieces, lighter grade though Schedule 40 is fine
• 2-inch wood screws
• The right tools, including drill, bolt cutter/heavy duty wire cutter, measuring tape, and table saw.
How to Build
The cattle panels are for the frame of the greenhouse. One panel will be used for the floor of the greenhouse and the other two are going to connect to the floor to create the sides and the top of the greenhouse. Use the zip ties to connect each of the seams. 2 of the 2’ x 2’s will be used here at the bottom of the frame, on the shorter sides. You will next make a door frame with your wood. The PVC piping will be used along the curved edges of the frame, over the rebar that was placed on the four sides as footing for your greenhouse.
Now that you have the frame in place, you can begin adding the sheeting. You will place the sheeting along the longer sides and the top of the greenhouse. There should be enough overhanging on the sides for you to attach to the sheeting to the PVC piping using the duct tape. Then place the sheeting on the end of the greenhouse where there is no door.
The rest of the wood will be used to create your door. When you get the frame built, you can put on the plastic sheeting and the hardware. When all of this is put on, you can attach the door to the door frame.
Now you have completed building your new greenhouse. By following these basic steps, you can create a great greenhouse for minimal money. Not everyone has hundreds or thousands of dollars to create their greenhouse or to have a professional build one for them. You can typically get all of the materials that you need for this project for under $200, though this can get more expensive if you need to purchase the tools in additional to the materials.
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