Garden BedsBuilding Frugal Wood Raised Garden Beds DIY Project

Building Frugal Wood Raised Garden Beds DIY Project

Building Frugal Raised Garden Beds DIY Project was designed to offer the homesteading gardening readers who might be in a similar situation a good way to plant a garden using raised garden beds

Building Frugal Wood Raised Garden Beds DIY Project - The Homestead Survival

Gardening has become one of the fastest growing outside activities and this is for a number of reasons. One of them is because many of these people are looking to eat more healthy and being able to grow at least part of the what you eat is both healthy and can save you money. Unfortunately, not everyone has the room in their backyard to set up a garden.

Materials and Tools list:

Four 16-inch-long 4-by-4s* ($15), to act as corner posts

Two 4-foot-long 2-by-12s* ($35), for bed ends

Two 8-foot-long 2-by-12s* ($65), for bed sides

Twenty-four 3 1/2-inch #14 galvanized or stainless steel screws ($5)

Twenty-four 1/2-inch #8 galvanized or stainless steel screws ($5); optional

Six 12-inch-long pieces of 1/2-inch PVC pipes ($3); optional

Three 10-foot-long pieces of 3/8-gauge rebar ($10); optional

Three 3- by 5-foot rolls of 1/4-inch-mesh hardware cloth ($40), to deter burrowing animals; optional

Twelve 1-inch galvanized tube straps ($5); optional

1 roll bird netting or floating row cover ($25); optional

16 cubic feet of planting soil ($55 if bought in bulk; $85 if bought in bags)

16 cubic feet of compost ($60 for bulk; $85 in bags)

Drip-watering system; optional

The article and Do It Yourself project was created and shared in order to help as many people realize that they have an option when it comes to growing vegetables in their backyard. The idea of being able to plant things that are not actually in the ground may seem unusual, but it actually is not. The author includes a full DIY project with a list of all of the stuff that is necessary to get started.

All of the information inside the article is presented in a way that makes it really easy to read and understand.

* * * Benefits of reading the Gardening 101: How to build your own homemade raised garden beds

~ Discover how easy it is to enjoy gardening even if you don’t have the backyard space using raised garden beds

~ The article includes a complete project which comes with a full listing of all of the materials, supplies, and tools that you will need to have to get started

~ The project also includes a complete, easy to follow step by step instructional guide that helps to show you how to go from start to finish

~ There are numerous full-color pictures and a video to help provide the reader with a really good visual reference for the article

Click here to read about Building Frugal Raised Garden Beds DIY Project:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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