CanningCanning Strawberry Rhubarb Champagne Jam

Canning Strawberry Rhubarb Champagne Jam

  Canning strawberry rhubarb champagne jam. I think a lot of folks that can have probably made strawberry rhubarb jam at some point and it is always very delicious. Well now it is time to bump that jam up a notch by adding champagne. Yes champagne in your jam, how sophisticated our jam will be. My Danish Kitchen shares the recipe and I really want to try this one. The recipe has both metric measurements and US measurements.

Canning Strawberry Rhubarb Champagne Jam

   There are plenty on instructions for canning the jam which she says has a little softer set than most. The recipe makes about three 8 ounce jars so you won’t be buried in jam but I have a funny feeling I will want to have more of this recipe than less. Imagine this beautiful red jam slathered over your biscuits or English muffins in the dead of winter. It would be like a delicious taste of summer.

    If you have lots of rhubarb you might like this recipe for  Rhubarb Butter or maybe this one for Fermented Rhubarb Honey Soda. Or if you are a little afraid of canning you could try this  Strawberry Rhubarb Freezer Jam. Rhubarb is a great plant to have. It comes back every year with no effort and you can make so many delicious things with it.

    Come winter I will love it even more when it is sleeping under the snow while eating my toast in the mornings with this strawberry rhubarb champagne jam on it.


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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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