Cement garden balls can add texture and beauty to any landscaping design.
If you get even more creative, you can cover them with colored mirrored glass in a mosaic style.
Yard sales and thrift stores are a great place to find glass light fixture globes at dirt cheap prices.
You may have even a few in your garage or around your house not being used.
Making cement garden balls is really so simple.
Mix up a bag of cement in a wheelbarrow or five gallon bucket as instructed on the bag of cement.
Fill the glass light fixture globe and let it set for two days to cure.
Don’t be in a hurry, give it two full days to set up properly.
Lay down a tarp or overlapping newspaper below the dried cement glass globe.
Use a hammer and gently tap the glass globe breaking the glass.
The glass will come off in bits and shards.
Enjoy !
If you would like another example of this project: