Do you have some essential oils for emergency preparedness stocked up yet? If not this article will help you decide which essential oils you might want to have on hand in case of an emergency. In it you will find suggestions on which oils will work for what type of problem.
Some are used singly and sometimes you would make a blend of oils for certain times. Around The Cabin has a really nice list of essential oils and what uses they serve. From peppermint as an analgesic to  Ravensara as an anti viral. You will find an essential oil that will help for soreness, or to help with PTSD or grief. Recovering from addiction and even a balance blend that is to help balance, for kids starting a new sport or babies learning to walk Essential oils can really come in handy, and we have been using some of them for years. Most folks have probably seen the cloves liquid you can buy for tooth aches and used vaporub. Both of these have essential oils in them, the same with arthritis rubs like Ben Gay.
Using essential oils for medical issues has a long standing and by learning what each oil is good for you can add a lot of them to your emergency preps and then you will have them in case they are needed. If there is ever a time when you can’t make it to a doctor or the ailment doesn’t really need a doctor but you would like some relief. That may be the time you will be glad you have some essential oils and know how to use them.