Most homesteading households find that having a cast iron skillet is essential for a kitchen to function properly.
All of us have pots and pans, baking sheets and cake pans, and other necessities to see us through our everyday cooking needs. Some of us even have one of the greatest treasures that has become a staple within their homes. Now, some of you may be thinking about the handy crock-pot, and while it’s also a great piece of kitchen equipment, it’s not the treasure we’re here to discuss at this time. No, it’s the long-lasting and ever-trustworthy cast iron skillet.
This heavy piece is one that should be found in everyone’s kitchen today, but unfortunately, not everyone sees the benefit of owning one. While its history is a long one and they’re built for longevity compared to most pots and pans nowadays, this skillet has seemed to have lost its popularity due to its hefty weight and need for seasoning from time to time.
What some of us know and love about our cast irons are the relative ease they are when cooking anything from steaks to cornbread. Yes, even cornbread! These cast irons were built for cooking and preparing foods for the days of old when men labored in the fields and their women kept their homes. While that era has come to an end, the cast iron has remained and so has its functionality within the kitchen even today.
Most homesteaders can agree on one brand that is made in America – Lodge L5HS3 5-Piece Pre-Seasoned Cast-Iron Cookware Set
With so many brands and designs to choose from in the cast iron cookware line, anyone can find the right skillet or other cast iron tools they could possibly want in any kitchen department. Allowing your kitchen to be missing this amazing tool should be considered a crime in most professional chefs or even cooking enthusiasts’ minds.
Click here to read about why having a cast iron skillet is essential for a kitchen: