DIY ProjectsHomemade One Person Wood Boat DIY Project

Homemade One Person Wood Boat DIY Project

This step by step tutorial of how to make a homemade one person wood boat diy project is an inexpensive, inspirational and safe way to float on water. People have been building personal watercrafts for centuries and they have used them for a number of uses.

While these small watercrafts can be obtained commercially, they usually cost quite a bit. There is an alternative and some of these can be completed without needing any specialized boat building skills.

Homemade One Person Wood Boat DIY Project

There are a number of small crafts that people use such as kayaks and mini boats as simply ways to get from point “A” to point “B” across the water.

● Using this project you can build your own simple boat in few days

● Project includes a complete list of all of the materials, supplies and tools necessary

● Project also includes an easy to follow step by step instruction guide

● Includes several full color images and diagrams that help to depict several of the steps

This do it yourself project is so easy to follow that anyone, regardless of skill level should be able to completely build their own mini boat in just a few days. Everything you will need to complete the project can be acquired from most any local hardware store.

Materials Need:

2 Sheets marine plywood or good quality WBP plywood 6mm (¼”) 4’ x 8’ (1.22 m × 2.44 m)

4 Pieces pine wood 12 mm (½”) x 18mm (¾”) x 8’ (2.44m)

4 Tubes PL Construction waterproof glue (I used PU18 from eBay


50mm wide Fibreglass tape about 15 m (50ft)

Fibreglass tape 50mmx90m strong self adhesive drywall joint strengthening mesh

Stainless steel screws about m6 & m8 size.

Zip ties (about 50 1/4″ )

Clamps (most pound shops have these, you can’t have too many! see my pictures)

Household emulsion and primer

​Tools Needed:

tape measure and metal rule

‘t’ square

meter rule

Hand saws

Jig saw

Drill and bits


sharp craft knife

Surform or sharp traditional plane


glue tube applicator ‘gun’

lots of rags

White spirit & turpentine (for cleaning up the glue and paint brushes)

Click here to read about how to make a homemade one person wood boat diy project:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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