For folks that have been thinking of buying a bug out location that you could go to in case of a major disaster. To be able to get away from chaos and violence, and have somewhere you could be safe until things settle down. For most people this is just a dream because the thought of thousands of dollars for the land and then more thousands of dollars for the shelter is simply beyond most people means.
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I think when we think of a bug out location and shelter we think about some cute little cabin in the woods and yes this type of location would cost a pretty penny. However there are ways to start that are much less expensive. In this article from Ask a Prepper you will see how you might acquire some land by joining with a group of like minded folks and splitting the costs of a few acres, this method could also provide you with a bug out community which could be a big help to everyone in it. Or you may be able to buy a small piece from someone that owns a large property.
Then there is what is called junk land which sells cheaply because there are no water or utilities on it. Then they get into shelter. The suggestion is to start off with a camper or an rv. Once you have the land and a shelter then you could build a more permanent dwelling if you wished. In the case of no water you would need to bring in water and have some where to store it. The article does at least provide some tips and ideas that may help some that are looking to set up a bug out location but not have a whole lot of money.
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