These Homesteading Natural Ways To Rid Of Ants really work…. all 57 different ways.

There many ways to get rid of those pesky ants that are all over the kitchen and outside in those mini ant hills.
These are some of the ways to get rid of them without the use of chemicals. We really are against using ant killing sprays because they include dangerous poisons that also harm the enviroment as well. Plus, ant killers won’t kill all of the ants, but only a fraction of them that are pilled up outside the ant hill.
Ants come in thousands and there is a queen amongst them….. Kill the queen, kill the entire population.
So, what do we use to get rid of ANTS in a natural way? Well, there are instant grits and dried yeast, whose compounds are harmful to ants. The best mix of it includes two teaspoons of molasses and one teaspoon of sugar with a couple of teaspoons of the dried grits or yeast.
There is the one ingredient that is used for just about everything: baking soda. Mix a tad of that with the sugar or honey and that will lead to the ants’ demise. But, what about the entire colony in swoop?
This won’t be instant, but it will do the deed within a month. Mix up a gallon of water with 1/4’ cup of liquid soap and make a waterfall right into the hole. This will, unfortunately, sacrifice some plants and grass, but they can be replaced. Don’t want to do that? Use boiled water, soda, or a cocktail of water, lime juice, and soap. Bye, bye, ants!
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