This helpful tutorial of how to remove ivy from a homestead tree is a life saving act for your valuable trees. Trees need our help to stay healthy by removing invasive ivy vines, protect a tree’s critical root zone, don’t over fertilize and mulch around the base of the trunk. Ivy vines are parasites to a tree, it competes with the tree for nutrients and water.
Trees are an important asset to any homestead by:
Reduce pollution by recycling carbon dioxide and monoxide
Creates natural wind breaks
Habitat for wildlife
Lower energy costs by shading a home
Increases the value of your property
Absorb and block noise
Did you know that one large tree can supply a day’s supply of oxygen for four people ?
Please remember – Once cut, leave ivy on the tree. Do not pull it off because that could harm the tree. Ivy will gradually blend into the tree bark after it is cut.
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