How to Make Hurricane Shutters for Windows DIY Project are actually inexpensive and simple to make to add a layer of protection to your homestead home. It does take some effort and forethought.
Most homesteaders feel responsible to try to protect their family members as much as possible.
Nice tutorial and video on making your own hurricane shutters. If you live in an area that is prone to hurricanes these diy shutters could save your windows and interiors. I think these could even come in handy in areas that get a lot of tornadoes and hurricanes.

5/8 inch plywood
4 inch (or longer) barrel bolts
Instructions: …. at least the 1st step.
Measure your window and cut the plywood to a dimension about 1/2 inch smaller. For example, if your window is 30 inches wide and 50 inches tall, your plywood should be cut to 29.5 inches wide and 49.5 inches tall.
They style is nice because they fit inside the window frame and so would be less likely to be torn off by the wind. Mikes Review walks you through how to make your own hurricane shutters and even has a video to make it easier to see how its done.