DIY ProjectsTurn Satellite Dish into Bird Bath Fountain DIY Project

Turn Satellite Dish into Bird Bath Fountain DIY Project

How to Turn Satellite Dish into Bird Bath Fountain DIY Project is a recycled re-purposed water feature for your garden, outdoor patio or part of landscape enhancement for your backyard. The birds around your homestead will be grateful for a place to take a refreshing drink and even bathe.

Turn Satellite Dish into Bird Bath Fountain DIY Project

Get a satellite dish, an electrical submerging pump, hose, spray paint, overflow tube, five-gallon plastic bucket, spray nozzle, flat blade screwdriver, pocket knife, hacksaw, electric and stepped drillbit, and a large weight or level.

First, drill a hole that fits the overflow tube in the center of the dish. Remove the dish’s LNB using the flat blade and pocket knife, screw down the LNB’s bracket, and spray paint it to whatever color you want.

The overflow tube can be stuck inside the drilled hole and keep it there with the level using the level, cutting it off so the bird bath won’t overflow.

Next, attach the submerging pump and nozzle to the hose and carefully stick it through the LNB. Reattach the LNB in the mounted bracket, stick the hose along the arm of the dish, and connect the bracket along the arm. The hose is then connected to the pump which is placed in the five-gallon bucket of water so the water can come out from under and through the hole under the dish.

Fill the top of the dish with water and keep the bucket and dish on an even level setting like on a deck or patio.

Finally, with an extension cord connected to a GFI socket, you can turn it on the let the water flow easily automatically. You can even put in some small rocks in the middle decorate it and make it attractive for birds to come over.

Click here to read about How to Turn Satellite Dish into Bird Bath Fountain DIY Project:


As an added bonus, You may want to take a peek at the article “Make a Mosaic Glass Bubble Bird Bath DIY Project”:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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