Wild Food ForagingHow To Make Forsythia Syrup

How To Make Forsythia Syrup

If you have access to Forsythia that is blooming right now you can learn how to make  Forsythia syrup with the  blossoms.

How To Make Forsythia Syrup

Once you have the syrup made it will keep in the fridge for three months and you can add some to tea or in drinks and even as syrup for waffles and pancakes. According to the author it tastes just like Forsythia smells. I don’t have any so I need to find some and see if I can pick the flowers because I would like to try making this syrup. It is such a pretty color and I bet it tastes just like spring time. It seems that the fruit of the forsythia is also used is Chinese medicine and is said to help with “upper respiratory tract infections, acute bronchitis, acute endometriosis, measles, acute tonsillitis, encephalitis B, meningitis, and parotitis as well as the ever-present flu.” by Health Benefits.  So it sounds like this might be a bush I want to have both for its beauty and  the foraging value of it.  Turns out you can also make Forsythia jelly too. Yumm, Spread some of that yellow sunshine on your toast or English muffin every morning. So now we know we can make all of these things from a bush that we thought was only ornamental. The syrup recipe is from Local Kitchen.

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Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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