Learn how to make a diy battery lasts forever. Called a magnesium or Baghdad battery they are made with a magnesium rod and either a copper coil or a copper rod.
Today’s electronic age requires you to have access to battery power in order to run all of your mobile devices. In order to be able to recharge all of those batteries you need to have a power source that will provide enough power. This article and project was designed to introduce the reader to a way to build their own homemade battery.
This how to for making a magnesium battery is from Ready Nutrition. The DIY project describes all of the things that you need to have on hand. It also describes all of the steps that you will need to follow in order to make it. In the video below from Ramone Talarico you can see how he built and connected together 4 of the batteries. His seem to be a bit more substantial than the first ones. They are built a lot stronger to which allow a good scrubbing to get off corrosion as needed.
Benefits of reading the DIY Project: DIY Battery Lasts Forever
Learn about the inter workings of how a battery works and how you can make your own in your garage or shop.
The article includes a complete listing of all the materials, supplies and tools that you need to have on hand.
There is also a complete, easy to read and follow step by step instruction guide covering how to make it.
There are numerous full-color pictures that help to provide a good visual reference of the project.
See Ramone’s video………