BeekeepingFree Honey Bee Disease Diagnosis Service

Free Honey Bee Disease Diagnosis Service

Honey bees are susceptible to all types of diseases. Varroa mite is a huge threat to European honey bees. Brood diseases including AFB or American foulbrood and EFB or European foulbrood affect honey bees in the pupal and larval stage. Nosema is the disease due to a unicellular parasite.

The viral diseases like CBPV or Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus and DWV or Deformed Wing Virus are frequently latent when it comes to bee colonies. Ranging from wax moths to pollen mites, all of them benefit from honey bees in one way or another.

Diseases of honey bees affect the health of bee colonies long before the warning signs become more apparent to the novice beekeepers. When compared to pests that invader the colonies of honey bees like wax moths and varroa mites. Some honey bee diseases aren’t visible to one’s naked eye.

Thus, the symptoms of such diseases are usually noted first. While definitive diagnosis requires lab testing, there are also some visible signs that often point to infection with European or American foulbrood.

If you want to ensure that your honey bees are healthy and disease free, you might want to consider the free honeybee disease testing being offered to all beekeepers by The US Department of Agriculture.

They tell us “Samples received of adult bees and beeswax comb (with and without bee brood) are examined for bacterial, fungal and microsporidian diseases as well as for two species of parasitic mites and other pests associated with honey bees (i.e., small hive beetle, Aethina tumida). “

They also only take sample in the US and its territories. If you want to know more information, make sure to check out Heritage Acres Market.

Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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