Teaching homesteading chores instills strong work ethic in kids that will help them to learn responsibility in all areas of their lives. The cause and effect of a person’s actions or the lack therefore has rewards or consequences.

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Some parts of modern society seem to have abandoned work as a necessity of life. There are apps and machines that can do the work. The reality of self sufficiency and homesteading is that there is no app for that.
This mother has developed a set of guidelines to instill a work ethic in children from the earliest possible age. The basic idea is that people become better people if the learn to do useful work. Children who learn how to do things learn to rely on themselves. Self reliance is not only a necessity for self sufficiency it is a talent that makes leaders.
One of the basic ideas that this lady puts forward is that training a child about work when they are very young prepares them to lead their family and children. The idea is leadership by example. The result is being responsible for yourself and the people who depend on you.
You do not need a degree in psychology to understand and apply these simple ideas. You do need some experience with children and teens. You need to realize that teens are going to have a rebellious period. You need to devise consequences that teach the detriment of not working.
The idea is to involve each of your children in work that is suitable for them physically and mentally according to their age. Even your smallest child will want to join in when they see everyone working together enthusiastically and having fun working.
Work is fulfilling in and of itself. This mother shows you how to put a work ethic to work in your children without a lot of pain or trouble.
Click here to read about how homesteading chores instills strong work ethic in kids: