CommunicationPick Up Shortwave Broadcasts Using Your Altered Am Radio

Pick Up Shortwave Broadcasts Using Your Altered Am Radio

In case of a grid down situation you can receive shortwave broadcasts using your altered Am radio that you have altered ahead of time. When power has been lost over wide areas communication and the ability to disseminate important information can be a bit tricky.

Pick Up Shortwave Broadcasts Using Your Altered Am Radio

Many people have been relying on shortwave radios for this vital function. However, unless you have the necessary radio equipment it would be hard to receive these transmissions. This video was designed to introduce the reader to a way to modify a simple AM radio and turn it into a device that can receive shortwave transmissions.

This video is from North Carolina Prepper. The video is filled a lot of valuable information and it is all presented in a way that is very easy to watch and to understand. Having the video to watch and refer back to is a perfect way to show the viewer how easy it can be. The video is a good one because he explains everything is very simple terms so that most anyone can understand what he is doing.

While you can buy a shortwave receiver, if you have an old am radio lying around you could do this alteration or use the video to help a child learn how to alter the radio for less than buying one new. If you would like to learn how to listen and talk to the world on a shortwave check out, Shortwave Basics: Learn How to Listen and Talk to the World.

Benefits of watching the DIY Project: Pick Up Shortwave Broadcasts Using Your Altered Am Radio

Being able to receive valuable information that is being broadcast in times of crisis or national disasters.
The video explains all of the necessary materials that you will need to have on hand.
It also includes a very detailed step by step guide to the process that you need to follow.
The video is the perfect format in that it not only explains it in easy to follow terms, but it gives a visual aid at the same time.

Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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