Build ItPractical Advice for Homesteaders -- How to Create a Panic Room

Practical Advice for Homesteaders — How to Create a Panic Room

Does your family have a plan for in case someone breaks in? Do you think you would all keep it together or would you freeze up, maybe the kids running all over. Backwoods survival blog tells you how to create a panic room and I would advise having  discussions with the kids on what to do in a situation like that. I think they would feel less afraid if they were prepared. Hopefully nothing will ever happen but it does and it seems to be happening more frequently so we should think about how we can be prepared.


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Advice for Homesteaders — How to Create a Panic Room


Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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