This Sunrise Chicks Chicken Chickens Coop Plans Project will help give your chickens a nice safe home where they can flourish.

This design can be done by anybody considering it was their first time building anything when they made this. The structure was built under a deciduous tree to provide shade and a cool environment for the birds during summer, and it would receive sunlight in the winter when the leaves fall off.
First is the floor, then the frame which they used scrap wood pieces for. They used vinyl for the flooring in the coop.
Then the run which is 40’*60’, and 6’ in height with 2*4 welded wire with the bottom 2’ reinforced with chicken wire for protection. It has a half door on the coop side and double doors on the opposite side, in the event that the run needs to be mowed. Then the chute, which attaches the run to coop at the poop doors. The top of the chute is designed so it lifts up in order for the poop door to be opened for cleanup and can be closed and secures at night from predators. The nest boxes are also designed to sit on shelves, so they can be easily removed and cleaned. They are designed so the hen enters the back where it is dark and the eggs can be harvested from the front. The roosts are also removable for easy cleanup.
Finally, you can now introduce your chickens into the coop and get the best out of your structure. The only consideration in later years would be to increase the size of the coop to accommodate more chickens.
Click here to read about how to build Sunrise Chicks Chicken Coop Plans Project: