ChickensChickens Fairy Tale Vertical Coop and Run Tour

Chickens Fairy Tale Vertical Coop and Run Tour

Chickens Fairy Tale Vertical Coop and Run Tour is an amazing testament to a husband’s love to make his wife’s chicken coop and run materialized. It provide extra shaded run space below the chicken coop and a ramp for the chickens to scramble on up.

Chickens Fairy Tale Vertical Coop and Run Tour

More and more people across the country have discovered that raising chickens can be a very rewarding activity. While people decide to raise them for a number of reasons such as for the freshest eggs, making a little extra money or even for the meat, there are a few things that you need to know.

One of those things is that chickens cannot defend themselves or keep themselves safe from the elements and that means you need to have a shelter for them.

This series of blog posts describe how this couple built their chicken coop.

The author of these posts on their blog was looking to share with all of those people who visit their blog how they built the perfect chicken coop for their flock of chickens in the backyard.

Chickens Fairy Tale Vertical Coop and Run Tour

The series of blog posts include the detailed construction plans of how they built the coop. The result of all of their efforts is an amazing looking chicken coop that provides the chickens all of the protection from the elements and potential predators that could be lurking around the yard.

Benefits of reading the DIY Project: How they built a Fairy Tale Cottage Chicken Coop

● Learn about how the couple was able to build a great looking coop for all of the chickens that easily fit in their backyard

● The series of blog posts all combine to show everything that they used in order to build the coop

● The last of the posts is a series of full-color pictures that show the final result of all of their efforts

Click here to read about Chickens Fairy Tale Vertical Coop and Run Tour:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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