Curing MeatsHow to Brine Fish with Sea Salt Water to Dry

How to Brine Fish with Sea Salt Water to Dry

How to Brine Fish with Sea Salt Water to Dry is detailed in this step by step tutorial of preserving fish.

How to Brine Fish with Sea Salt Water to Dry

This article will teach you how to dry fish with sea brine. The writer caught a fish that was too big for his cool box and he didn’t have enough salt, so he had to devise another means to dry it. This information is very important to those who enjoy fishing.

According to the writer, fish that are low in oil dry better and faster. Oily fish may not go well with this method. The first step is to make brine by boiling sea water. You have to boil it until it becomes really salty. You will boil it until crystals start to form in it.

The second step is to skin the fish and cut it into several strips. After that, the pieces of fish should be soaked in brine before you hang them to dry up. This is another innovation that is necessary during fishing and camping.

You should only soak the fish for just 15 minutes. If you leave them in the brine for a longer period, more moisture will be pulled out of the fish but they will become even saltier. You can go through the article for the rest of the instructions. Don’t forget to share it immediately after reading.

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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