Check out this round up of reusing windows and doors in all sorts of ways, my favorite is this window as a room divider. One of the big draws to DIY these days is the ability to re-purpose stuff you have around the house or use reclaimed materials from local suppliers and turn them into new, custom pieces that will fit in exactly where you need them to. The article was designed to introduce the reader to a number of different ideas for how to re-purpose old windows and doors.

This DIY article is from Knick of Time. The creator of this article came up with some very useful ideas for ways to re-purpose old, worn out farmhouse windows and/or doors. Using the ideas in the article does not take a whole lot of prior DIY skills. Learn about how to make new, useful things out of old, worn out things that can add character and charm to most room decor. The article includes numerous project ideas that can be custom made. It includes links to some DIY projects that show how you can make them yourself. There are dozens of full color pictures that help provide a nice visual reference of some of the ideas.